Leadership Coaching

  • Ready to elevate your leadership game?

  • Are you seeking to amplify your influence and effectiveness as a leader?

  • Do you want to refine your communication style to inspire and motivate your team?

  • Are you looking to navigate challenges with confidence and clarity?

  • Do you aspire to leave a lasting impact on your organization?

Welcome to a journey of transformation. This coaching program is your key to unlocking unparalleled leadership prowess. Tailored strategies to your unique needs, fostering self-awareness, refining skills, and driving success. Elevate your leadership. Start today.

Power Coaching Session

This turbocharged 90-minute Power Coaching Session is perfect for anyone desperately in need of a GPS for [life, career, or business]. You have a specific issue you want to process through and work on with a coach.


  • Prework: a short questionnaire about your current situation, your goals, and how I can help you best

  • 90 mins via Zoom to dive in and work together to create an action plan

  • Post support with a 30 min call via Zoom two weeks later

What is Evidence Based Coaching?

Evidence-based coaching is a form of coaching that uses scientific evidence rooted in psychology, neuroscience, and organizational behavior to inform and guide the coaching process. It’s not a rigid or prescriptive formula, but rather using best practices and research to support your coaching decisions, interventions, and evaluations. Evidence-based coaching also involves being aware of your own biases, assumptions, and preferences, and being open to feedback and learning from your own experience.

Coaching with Everything DiSC Assessment

Transform your workplace dynamics with a powerful combination of a 60-minute coaching session and the Everything DiSC assessment. This unique offering brings together coaching and the insights derived from the Everything DiSC assessment. Participants gain valuable insights into their communication styles, priorities, and values, fostering a workplace culture of understanding, collaboration, and productivity.

Ready to harness the power of leadership development with Everything DiSC? You’ll get:

  • The online Everything DiSC® Assessment

  • A 20+ page profile breaking down everything you need to know

  • A 60min virtual coaching session with me, where we’ll reflect on insights together and create an action plan for next steps

Choose the best assessment for your needs (select at purchase):

  • Engage every individual in building more effective relationships at work with Everything DiSC Workplace®. This assessment benefits everyone in the organization, regardless of title or position. Gain personalized insights and actionable strategies to adapt to different communication styles, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the workplace. Discover how Everything DiSC Workplace can unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration in your organization.

  • Empowering managers to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their teams with Everything DiSC® Management. This assessment deepens a manager’s understanding of themselves, their direct reports, and their own management styles. Walk away with concrete strategies to adapt to the styles of your team, bringing out the best in each person. See how Everything DiSC® Management can make a positive impact in your leadership.

  • Transform destructive behavior into productive responses with Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict. This assessment increases self-awareness around conflict behaviors and provides participants with personalized techniques to effectively respond to workplace conflict. Discover how Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict transforms uncomfortable encounters into stronger relationships and results. Harness the power of workplace conflict in your organization.

  • Create impactful leaders through the process of Vision, Alignment, and Execution with Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®. This assessment connects unique leadership styles to real-world demands, providing an actionable path toward more effective leadership. Transform your leadership culture – discover how Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® can help your leaders influence and improve your organization.

  • Equip your sales team with the skills to adapt to customers' preferences and expectations with Everything DiSC® Sales. This assessment helps salespeople create customer-centric interactions that improve results. Discover how Everything DiSC Sales arms your salespeople with the tools they need to improve their effectiveness and deliver better bottom-line results. Drive results with customer-centric relationships.

  • Develop the emotional intelligence necessary to support a thriving agile culture with Everything DiSC Agile EQ™. This assessment combines the insights of DiSC® with active emotional intelligence development. Participants will discover an agile approach to workplace interactions, navigate outside their comfort zone, and commit to customized strategies for building agility. Create a thriving, agile culture – empower your workforce to meet the demands of any situation with Everything DiSC Agile EQ™.

Join Group Coaching Sessions

Looking for something more group oriented?
Fill out the interest form!

  • A coach guides a collective of individuals who are striving to tackle similar challenges and reach their goals. This approach allows the coach to lead with their expert knowledge to multiple participants simultaneously, while the group members can support, learn, and hold one another accountable. Group coaching offers a valuable opportunity to gain insights from other leaders facing similar situations, aiding in decision-making processes and providing an opportunity to discuss shared experiences.

Not Sure Where to Start?

Schedule a free 30 minute phone call with Niki to learn about coaching and discuss your needs today!

Need Help With Something Else?

HR Advisement

Don’t know all the things you don’t know about Human Resources? Book a call to dive deep into the HR procedures at your organization.


Explore our resources today and unlock your full potential as a confident, capable, and inspirational leader.